Malice - Xbox playthrough

1 year ago

This one is pretty fun. Malice gradually ups the difficulty as you progress as all good games should. Malice is very forgiving with falls, resetting you nearby until you run out of life. If you manage to die you are dropped in a special level. I will probably show that off after I complete the game. This is certainly not a hard game. The lava level with the excessive jumps seemed to have some slow down at the same part of the map. I have noticed some strange lighting bugs that some times appear and do not go away until the xbox is completely turned off. Going to the menu and loading the game does not fix the lighting issue. I was pretty disappointed with the Malice mecha. I was hoping for a giant robot fight rather than the final boss we got. There was not much of an ending and the credits had to be played through the menu. Not a big fan of the Malice's voice but it was a fun game overall. I will likely play through it again some time in the future. I hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you for watching.

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