Daily Chess play - 1325 - Losing track of pieces

1 year ago

First game, His Queen got into my defenses and he was up two pawns during it. After a series of trades, I get my Rook pinned on c1 and lose it for free. I should have traded on c2. I resigned soon after that.

Second game, Even game and was threatening checkmate but I get checkmated myself because I miss/ignore Bishop on a6.

Third game, Even game and we both get Queen promoted. I miss a check on a2 to lose my Queen. Checkmate soon after that.

Not a good day for me. Just on that path of losing track of pieces. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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