Hearing Everett - The Rancho Sordo Mundo Story

1 year ago

Have you ever thought about leaving everything to do something that may cost you everything? “Hearing Everett” is just that kind of story. Someone once said the most dangerous prayer you can pray is “God us me.” Are you listening?

When Everett family left their suburban American life, sold their home and their neon sign business that lives would change for every. With an old school bus the family heads to Mexico to serve deaf children who needed to know God’s love.

In Mexico the deaf children are ostracized from their family. They can’t even speak to each other and the children are often abandoned. The need cried out for someone to care.

Mother Teresa who served the dying and the poor in Calcutta said “A life not lived for others is not a life.”

This is the story how one family decided to live for others would change the lives of thousands of kids.

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