ALWAYS Contest "First Source" Debt collectors on BBB & by mail through EQUIFAX EXPERIAN TRANSUNION

1 year ago

even if you talk over me, on your half duplex phone tree, anything you claim you did not hear me say is still treated as being heard by you under the law as its not based on what you say you heard its based on what i can prove i said so interruptions will be ignored

The information you have is wrong for anything associated with me, it is not mine & does not match me, so remove this information from all call lists & data base you have access to & i will Contest this fraud by cert mail With EQUIFAX EXPERIAN TRANSUNION & your Better Business Bureau rating is based on response so i will state forever that i have reviewed your response in reference to my complaint i will make & i have determined that this does not resolve my complaint ,
1977 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,
1991 Telephone Consumer Protection Act,
2005 Junk Fax Act & 2021 Regulation F

I DO NOT Validate or Verify any contract or agreement with my info SEO YOU give ME the true LEGAL name & mailing address for your company, the creditor you represent, your law firm & the call center this is really coming from

the Statute of Limitations for Time-Barred Debts force your company to state The date of; original transaction last statement, invoice, charge-off, payment, or court judgment or part of it if you will state the exact original amount

any entity allowed to implement a legal instrument & or have standing in court is not valid if they say they have, can or will, communicate with my friends, family work place, claim to be law enforcement or other official, threaten imprisonment, seizure of assets, say they will harm or incumber credit report, reputation, property, or use profane language or call outside 8AM to 9PM

loan or bill collection or consolidation phone calls, messages & letters harassing as part of a data mining scam

First Source Bank filed a case against First source Advantage Limited Mumbai, India
First Source Advantage, LLC, Laporte Indiana & First source Group USA, INC & First Source Financial Solutions & First Source Solutions based in Louisville, Ky incorporated in Delaware

they usually hang up at first & then leave a message claiming they were sent by a hospital & to get you on their website to apply for their "financial assistance" but if you answer they may say its "personal business" not reveal who they are calling to speak with, or why but this "will not be reported to any credit reporting agency." yet & you "will not be sued," yet & does not need to provide personal info saying they already have it & then demanding personal information like birth date will charge $100 for the time they try verifying you become agitated ,condescending & accuse you of knowing exactly what this is about all so they can get a valid address & send letters or sell the data to others

if you demand they reveal any of their info or put you on their do not call list or they talk over you & hang up & then if you call back its "disconnected" but They answer if you call back from a different fone

= all other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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