1 year ago

Romans 14:19 New King James Version
19 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may [a]edify another.

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA EVERYONE!!! Ricky and I decided to stay in today, and I'm glad we did. It's 42 degrees outside, bleak, cloudy, and I just don't wanna be out there today. I plan on accomplishing some things online, and maybe ordering some food in today. But most of all, I'm here with my hubby, and Sahara, and that's what I cherish the most.

What’s the most recent encouragement you’ve received?

I found this a very interesting question, that I couldn't remember on my own, but God brought to mind some of the ways in which He's encouraged me through His Word, as well as the many brothers and sisters in Christ who have been there for me and Ricky in the past, and that brought my heart a great deal of joy. In particular, I thought about the verses of scripture He gave me when I was in the dentist's chair two weeks ago, and how God used me even as I was getting my tooth extracted to be a witness for Him!

Right now, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God showed me from his word this morning, through this flag I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that it will inspire, and give you courage to be a blessing and edifying and encouraging others. Come join me in this vlog and learn what it means to be an encourager in the truth! 😊

So, my dear friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray it not only gets you to thinking, but it challenges and motivates you to be and encourager for Christ.

Whose heart could you water today or this week?

I pray that God will show you someone that you can water their soul and encouragement today and/or this week. Remember my friends, that the word encourage means, inspire with courage spirit and hope, and I pray that you will be that and the life of someone today. That you will spur them on and motivate them to be the person for God that they ought to be, and that you will stand by them in whatever endeavor they undertake period to be as Proverbs 27:17 states, in being that iron that sharpens iron, to help motivate, spur on, and encourage others for Christ Jesus.



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