Binaural Theta 528Hz💫Relaxation and Deep Sleep 💫Reduce Anxiety, Stress

1 year ago

💫The matrix corrects all the mistakes of your genome, it is able to heal you and all generations after you, interrupt the chain of transmission of birth diseases and predispositions.
After all, this matrix consists of encrypted information that penetrates your body with the help of sound and affects the structure of human DNA. Healing all diseases, correcting all failures and pathologies. Returning a person to a normal healthy state.
💫It doesn’t matter what diseases you have, problems with the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract system, complex or mild joint damage, muscle and skin diseases - all this can and should be cured just by listening to the sound.
You can believe it or not, it doesn't matter, sounds just work. The healing process has already begun and cannot be stopped.
💫The sound of the All Healing Matrix makes all internal organs and cells vibrate to the beat. Someone may feel tingling all over the body or in a particular place, you may begin to fall asleep, or you may not even be able to move.
💫You may experience different emotional reactions, a sudden surge of joy, a desire to get up and go somewhere, you may even start crying. Don't be scared. This is how the matrix works. These are short-term natural reactions of the body.
💫This recording should be listened to for at least 30 minutes a day. Therefore, it is recommended to turn on the matrix before going to bed, when no one distracts or disturbs you.
You do not have to do anything, concentrate on sounds, words, you can even go about your business or just relax, you can close your eyes if you feel more comfortable that way. Now is your health time, nothing else matters. There is only you and that sound.💫

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