New Age Tower of Babel: Hegelian Dialectics

1 year ago

Hegelian dialectics is being used around the world as a tool to break down traditional beliefs with the objective of replacing them with something new.

The Hegelian system is described as follows:

It was Hegel's view that all things unfold in a continuing evolutionary process whereby each idea or quality (the THESIS) inevitably brings forth its opposite (the ANTITHESIS). From that interaction, a third state emerges in which the opposites are integrated, overcome, and fulfilled in a richer and higher SYNTHESIS. This synthesis then becomes the basis for another dialectical process of opposition and synthesis. Hegel believed that the creative stress of opposing positions was essential for developing higher states of consciousness. In the moment of synthesis, the opposites are both preserved and transcended, negated and fulfilled (Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics, 1994, p. 88).

Hegel believed that this process has a life of its own, in an evolutionary sense, but since the days of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels it has been used as a guided process toward a desired end.

The objective of Hegelian dialectics in this sense is to replace something old with something new (e.g., capitalism with communism, traditional Bible doctrine with theological modernism, a traditional educational system based on moral absolutes with a new one based on relativism, an old age with a new).

Used like this, Hegelian dialectics cannot produce the new thing, but it can destroy the old. Other processes and techniques come into play in actually producing the new thing that is desired.

It employs a wide range of tactics: dialogue, compromise, consensus forming, conflict resolution, divide and conquer, deceit, redefinition of words, giving new names _ to objectionable things, crisis creation, obfuscation (concealment of meaning by making something confusing and hard to interpret or by otherwise hiding its true meaning).
It requires non-judgmentalism, tolerance, acceptance, relativism, group mentality.

It is the opposite of and the avowed enemy of dogmatism, absolutism, exclusivism, and separatism.

HEGELIAN DIALECTICS IS EMPLOYED BY COMMUNISTS to tear down law-based capitalistic, democratic societies that grant the right to private ownership of property and replace them with communist ones. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels' take on the Hegelian philosophy is called dialectical materialism, because it focuses on the evolution of economics (materialism) rather than the spirit, as in Hegel's system. In older communist terms the thesis was CAPITALISM and the antithesis was the PROLETARIAT (workers exploited at the hands of owners and the capitalistic system in general who rise up in resistance). The process of conflict and resolution is supposed to continue until it produces the ultimate synthesis which is allegedly pure communism but in reality is a New World Order of severe communitarianism (collectivism, the politics of community, the individual cared for by the state while his individuality is subservient to the will of society).

HEGELIAN DIALECTICS HAS BEEN EMPLOYED BY EDUCATORS in America since the 1920s to move the educational system from the old concept of moral absolutism and submission to a higher authority to the new philosophy of relativism and constant change. The collective moulding begins early in life, sustained and refined throughout one's formal education a universal curriculum of manipulation can transform and achieve a complete paradigm shift for a whole generation.

HEGELIAN DIALECTICS IS EMPLOYED BY ECUMENISTS to break down the walls of separation between denominations, between liberals and evangelicals, between Protestants and Catholics, to create Christian unity, and it is used BY INTERFAITH DIALOGUERS to tear down absolute truth and replace it with broadminded religious tolerance.

Those who use this methodology know that once the process of dialectics has been carried out, the resistance will have been broken down and an atmosphere created for the implementation of the original goal. They adopt the *JESUIT PHILOSOPHY that the end justifies the means*.

From a biblical perspective Hegelian dialectics is gross disobedience to God. It is contrary to the Bible's teaching that we have been given absolute truth from God and we are not to allow any contradiction. The Bible claims to be the sole divine revelation that God has given mankind and we are to believe it and judge everything by it (2 Timothy 3 verse 16 to 17). We are to allow no other doctrine' (1 Timothy 1 verse 3). We are to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints' (Jude 3), which means we are forbidden to give contradictory doctrines any credence.

For the Bible believer, the Bible is THE infallible thesis, and every antithesis is to be rejected and no synthesis allowed!

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