Getting another two paramotor flights in!

1 year ago

On this day I was able to get 2 longer flights in. The winds were steady and around 8-15 mph so I really wanted to take the opportunity to get back up in the air for another ppg flight. Once I got to the field and went over my gear I realized that I forgot my cage but luckily Ashley was able to drive it over for me so I didn't have to pack up and go back home. After setting up and taking off I flew over by the house to see if I could spot her before leaving for work. It was a pretty uneventful flight overall but that's a good thing! didn't really get to fly much during the winter here so it was nice to get back up and fly with the paramotor again. I tried to do a couple of pretend motor outs to see how far I could glide back without using the engine like i did last flight but the winds died down and I lost must more altitude than I thought I would. Oh well, the last flight was way better! I was able to gauge the landing from much further away. I will practice this much more this season in hopes to get better at spot landings. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed the flights!

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