1 year ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
As the times of daily #STRUGGLES increases for everyone..Your true colors show through your MOTIVES for SURVIVAL in this world of chaos..You #MATURE knowing who your true friends are..and the ones that uses you for a stepping stone when the opportunity presents itself..I say this to all #HUMANS..Stay true to who you are..Rise above the deceitfulness of worldly idols and #AMBITIONS of fame and fortune..For it is not what it seems..and there is a high price to be paid..Everyone wants a better life..Everyone wants to have #LOVE and #HAPPINESS in their lives..But most humans have no clue what love is..
They use every RESOURCE from the hearts of the SINCERE to live a LIFE of #SELFISHNESS and #GREED..Thinking they are above all who are not in their collective status que..Never realizing the reprocussions of their actions in the future..#UntilItsTooLate..Making it extremely difficult to #FORGIVE them or #TRUST one another..Because of their past actions of #DECEITFULNESS and #DISHONESTY..So be warned Humans..If you live your life for using people and dishonesty..#KARMA will surely come back to claim the BALANCE of your ACTIONS of IGNORANCE and cruelty in spades..No one is above treating others wrong..And thinking they will get away with it..Your time will come to be #JUDGED for your ACTIONS..If not in this life..Surely in the next..
Wherever your #SOUL ends up..Make the right CHOICE to do right by one another..#Amen..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God.. and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism"..#MuchLove Humans▪︎
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