Dr. Ryan Cole on Vaccine Induced Blood Clots & Nattokinase

1 year ago

Idaho pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole is no stranger to controversy. His claims of horrific side effects from mRNA vaccines and his recommendations of alternative treatments for COVID-19 launched medical board investigations in multiple states, prompting the doctor to defend his license to practice medicine. As the owner of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent diagnostics laboratories in Idaho, Dr. Cole alleges he has seen -- and photographed -- shockingly large blood clots appearing since 2021. “There’s one thing that I’ve been a big advocate for and that’s derived from soy: 'nattokinase', which is an enzyme that breaks down fibrin . . . If you look at parts of the world like Northern Japan, they don’t die from heart disease and strokes. And they eat a lot of soy . . . [Nattokinase is] know as a fibrinolytic enzyme that’s available both in food and as a supplement. I’ve had colleagues who’ve ended up with clots . . . and I’ve said, ‘Have you tried nattokinase?’ And a day or two later, their clot is resolved!”
— Dr. Cole's statement about nattokinase appears at around 48:50 in this video.

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