Chemical Abortions Peaceful Protest- March 4, 2023

1 year ago

Chemical Abortions Harm Everybody!

Chemical Abortions Harm Everybody!
Peacefully protested & prayed

Chemical Abortion Harms Every Body
Peaceful Protest #RU486kills
Sat., March 4
12-1 pm
Stone Oak @ Evans
CVS Pharmacy
20203 Stone Oak Pkwy, SAT 78258
FB & IG: @SanAntonioFamilyAssociation
Twitter: @SAFAfamily
RU486: have you thought about it?
The FDA announced on January 3, 2023 that it is letting retail pharmacies carry the most popular first trimester abortion drug, RU-486.
Combined with last summer’s pharmacy mandate, this could require pharmacies to stock and dispense it.
What’s in a name?
When an automobile was named and the translation meant something bad or negative in (another country / language) the manufacturer’s product failed to be popular. Maybe this explanation will help do the same.
Do you know what RU486 stands for?
Have you ever had anything 86’d off your food order at a restaurant?
For example, have you ever requested “no tomatoes” or “cut the tomatoes” on your hamburger?
The waiter/waitress will holler “86 the tomatoes” to strike it off the order.
So think about RU486.
R = Are
U = you
4 = for
86 = strike a person off the order
This is another vile attack on humanity. Another attack on children. Another way to harm women and continue the generational cycle of poverty and make them dependent on the government.

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