Goods from China are cheap because millions of Ughyurs work in concentration camps

1 year ago

Goods from China are cheap because millions of Ughyurs work in concentration camps, millions of Chinese are paid very poorly and the billionare's money are not their own money to be used as they see fit, but CCP's money to be used as the party sees fit. By purchasing goods from China people worldwide support this system. This was ok as long as China's CCP didnt threatened the USA lifestyle. Now that it does, its no longer a good partener. The situation with organ transplants, forced labour, the atack on Tibet, the communism of the Chinese government, the totalitarian measures, everything is known starting from the 90s. The USA governments both republican and democrats did absolutely nothing as long as China's government delivered cheap goods to USA citisens. And now USA after buying trillions of these cheap goods wants to convince other countries not to buy. The problem of USA is morality, that China was ok as long as they played it cool, now that they threaten USA they are no longer cool.

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