The Future of Food - Vertical Farming, Nanotech, Water Conservation, and GMO [HD] Video

1 year ago

The Future of Food - Vertical Farming, Nanotech, Water Conservation, and GMO - There are exciting breakthroughs on the horizon for the future of the global food supply and the global economy.

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There are emerging radical technologies that have the potential to change the way we live. This animation on vertical farming is part of a series for a session at the Adelaide Festival of Ideas exploring the contribution of enabling bio- and nano- technologies and their associated socio-cultural, health, safety and environmental impacts. We ask what excites you about this? What frightens you? And explore how they may change the way we live. See more at
Transcript can be found here:
-Presented by RiAus and Bridge8 for the National Enabling Technologies Strategy Expert Forum and the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
Science & Technology

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