Ancestors Messages 🌈🗝

1 year ago

Welcome back Awakened Intuitives and always welcome back to any new Awakened Intuitives 💕

We are back to ask our Ancestors of the Love & Light if they have any messages for us.

Breaking it down to Zodiac Signs-
Aries ♈️ Taurus ♉️ Gemini ♊️ Cancer ♋️ Leo ♌️ Virgo ♍️ Libra ♎️ Scorpio ♏️ Sagittarius ♐️ Capricorn ♑️ Aquarius ♒️ Pisces ♓️

*For entertainment purposes only*
*I do not own the rights to the background music*

-Information Read 1:15
-Singing Bowl 2:35
-General Energy Messages 3:33
-ARIES 9:00
-TAURUS 19:45
-GEMINI 29:55
-CANCER 38:30
-LEO 48:30
-VIRGO 57:50
-LIBRA 1:04:24
-SCORPIO 1:16:00
-CAPRICORN 1:38:06
-AQUARIUS 1:49:06
-PISCES 1:59:27

*Check Out The Messages From Spirit:

*You can also follow me over on my YouTube Channel Here:

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*You can Follow me over on my Snapchat Here:

*List of Decks
-Awakened Dreamer Oracle
-Angel Wisdom Cards
-Shaman Wisdom Cards
*-Angels and Ancestors Oracle For All Zodiac Signs First Oracle Message*
*-Shamans Dream Oracle For All Zodiac Signs Last Message*
-Native Spirit Tarot
-Wild Unknown Archetypes
-Millennium Thoth Tarot
-Sacred Light Oracle
-Tarot of a Moon Garden
-Untamed Elemental Oracle
-Tarot of Dreams
-Hummingbird Wisdom Oracle
-Shadowscapes Tarot
-Enchanted Map Oracle
-Lightseers Tarot
-Lightworker Oracle
-Universal Fantasy Tarot
-Wild Mystic Oracle
-Mystical Dream Tarot
-Sacred Earth Oracle
-Tarot of the Divine
-Conscious Spirit Oracle
-Magical Nordic Tarot
-Lemurian Starchild Oracle
-The Muse Tarot
-Starseed Oracle
-Rider Waite Tarot
-Seeker Oracle

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