Where is the outrage Canada?

1 year ago

And this blitzkrieg against our very sanity goes on unabated, and on every front. Whether it is climate change, sexual deviancy, or covid, the tactics used to push these narratives are invariably enforced, compulsory, obligatory, mandatory, involuntary, exacted, coerced, imposed, demanded, compelled, required, requisite, stipulated, dictated, ordained, prescribed, necessitated, unavoidable, inescapable, and de rigueur. Just yesterday on International Woman’s Day Trudeau engaged in social engineering by pushing Cultural Marxist Critical Theory on us when he asserted that cross dressers (for that is what they really are) are bona fide women. This is his twisted and insane idea of how to empower women by declaring that surgically altered cross-dressers are unadulterated women! He does this so as to weaken the nation. Undoing our very evolutionary biology leaves us impotent in the face of a full-blown Marxist takedown of the West since if we can believe that men can be women, we will also surrender all other rational thought to the state’s artificial dictates. Do you think they don't know the genetical difference between the sexes in China? No, that would damage the CCP. This is the poison Marxists like Trudeau feed to us to utterly undermine the nuclear family, and real femininity and masculinity! Is there any wonder then why this man is deep in bed with the murderous tyranny of Beijing whose ability to compel the Chinese citizens with despotism can turn the nation around “on a dime”? Remember Trudeau’s won words, “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar,” Justin Trudeau stated, “There is a flexibility that I know [Prime Minister] Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.”

Trudeau has taken seven years to turn our economy into a debt-ridden ruin where bureaucracy and overregulation are killing the very spirit of free enterprise along with undermining a sound energy policy which would respect the environment while utilizing Canada’s vast resources responsibly. It is fascinating to note that if China had access to the enormous oil reserves with which Canada has been gifted, they sure wouldn’t be leaving them in the ground.

So, Canada where is the outrage? Why aren’t we laying siege to our sacred institutions to wrestle them back from the ideology possession of radical neo-Marxist sympathizers like Trudeau. Our nation is under the control of Xi Jinping, and I assure you that he is eyeing our resources to exploit them just as he has already leveraged the LPC to manipulate every single Canadian. No wonder the LPC is filibustering parliament so that the full extent of China’s influence over our government cannot come to light! Write your MP’s to demand transparency via a thorough investigation of Chinese influence over our electoral process! It would appear many of them forgot long ago who they actually are supposed to be working for!

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