Hebrew Names for God, Or Else? Discussion of the Controversy

1 year ago

Join Doug today at 8:30pm EST (Thursday, Mar 9, 2023) as he unpacks the multiple issues with regard to the Hebrew names only movement within some factions of the Commandment keeping part of the Church. (Disclaimer: Doug is not against learning and using the names in Hebrew, only the forcing of the practice on others when IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO DO SO.) On one extreme of the Hebrew names only movement some might say that we must call on the name of the Father in Hebrew in order to be saved while at the same time we must reject the English words because they claim they have nefarious pagan origins/etymologies or are too far removed from the original Hebrew for the Father to accept. On the lesser extreme some say that it would be more pleasing to Father if we did use HIs Hebrew names, that we should learn and default to them, but that it's not a sin to use the our own language's words, but the implication is, once you know, better to use the Hebrew.

But do these ideas create an incongruence with God's own behavior towards language when one considers that He was the One to scatter the languages in Genesis 11 and, in fact, every proper name in every new language He created and downloaded into the people changed to dramatically different words altogether from all other languages? (They could not understand each other at all). Even names for the Father would have been said differently among different languages then, so why would He require us to return to one language now. Isn't that the aim of IllumiNUTis and one of their stated goals on the now destroyed Georgia Guidestones? Also, is there also a sinister motive to force this issue as a means of creating a wedge of separation between the Father and His people of every nation, tribe and tongue by making Him seem foreign to them when in fact He is (clearly) equally at home (and perfectly understands semantics, meaning and intent) in every language and culture and even sees passed language to the real the thoughts and intents of the hearts of every person down to the most minuscule level?

We will address these questions and so much more. Hope you'll join in.

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