WEF Says US Must Implement 'One Child Policy' For White Families

1 year ago

Source: The People's Voice

Tucker Carlson: Replacement theory to replace America whites with more OBEDIENT people from far away countries.
Remember the Deagel Population estimates for 2025 where the biggest depopulation was in the WHITE WESTERN COUNTRIES
Also on page#105 of Dr John Colemans 1994 book "The Committee of 300"
"At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, start-ing with the WHITE POPULATIONS of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to OBEYING AUTHORITY WITHOUT QUESTION.
The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern."

The World Economic Forum has announced a controversial new policy that should have everybody who opposes eugenics up in arms.

Klaus Schwab’s WEF is now calling for the US to impose a strict ‘one child policy’ on all white families in an effort to promote diversity, reduce inequality, and usher in a new era of “post-politics” in which nobody in society disagrees on major policy issues.

Schwab’s new policy for America is clearly influenced by Chinese social policy which should come as no surprise.

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