🔥 EPIC Exchange At Today's Twitter Files Hearing Where Dems Slam Elon Musk's 'So-Called Journalists'

1 year ago

🔥 EPIC Exchange At Today's Twitter Files Hearing Where Dems Slam Elon Musk's 'So-Called Journalists'

The Democrats are raging mad at Elon Musk for uncovering that the Democrats and their corrupt allies committed multiple crimes to censor the free speech of Americans.

Today, in front of the House Judiciary subcommittee, the Democrats went off on the witnesses before the committee.

House Democrats referred to Matt Taibbi and Michael Shallenberger as ‘so called journalists’ and Elon Musk’s personal ‘scribes’.

"Ranking Member Plaskett, I'm not a 'so-called journalist'. I've won the National Magazine Award, the I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism, and I've written 10 books including 4 NYT Best Sellers."

FOX News reported:

If there was any doubt that the Twitter Files have struck a nerve and deep fear in the Powers That Be, Thursday’s disgraceful behavior by Democrats in a hearing featuring journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger eviscerated it.

Taibbi and Shellenberger had not even uttered a word yet when the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee Del. Stacey Plaskett, D-U.S. Virgin Islands, referred to the witnesses as “so-called journalists” in her opening statement. The pair glanced at each other, clearly surprised and confused by the utterly unprovoked attack.

From there it only got worse, Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-TX, asked the pair of scribes if they were being paid to testify, again to an absolutely shocked response from them. She went on to try to force Taibbi to reveal information about his sources, a journalistic Rubicon he rightfully refused to cross.

Other Democrats accused them of wearing tin foil hats, and intimated in ugly language with clear disdain that they were only in it for the money, not to discover the truth about our federal government pressuring Twitter to censor Americans’ speech which was the reason for the hearing.

The Democrats refused to discuss one of the tweets released today by those “so-called” journalists before the House Committee


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