J6 LIES are in FULL FORCE, new filings DEMANDS mistrial after FBI FABRICATING & DESTROYING evidence

1 year ago

The federal government is using all it's power against the American people. By withholding evidence in court and even going as far as destroying. The FBI needs to be immediately abolished.

Help me fight against the corrupt media and get the true information out there.

Proud boys motion to dismiss - https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23699523-proud-boys-motion-to-dismiss

Rochester, New York Man Arrested and Charged with Destroying Property and Obstruction - https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/rochester-new-york-man-arrested-and-charged-destroying-property-and-obstruction

No precedent for Dominic Pezzola's argument for release from jail - https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/national/capitol-riots/judge-no-precedent-for-dominic-pezzolas-argument-for-release-from-jail-proud-boy-capitol-riot-january-6-window-riot-shield-congress/65-1248f587-b8cc-439e-a991-7472adc62256

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