Metroid Fusion 89% playthrough

1 year ago

Hopefully people enjoy this.
Metroid Fusion is one of my favorite GBA games, and my Top Rated Metroid Game.
This is 89% because I made a mistake late in the game and forgot that after a certain point, you cannot go back.
After obtaining screw attack from ridley, you want to avoid the navigation rooms as much as you can until you finish 100%ing the pickups. After you enter a navigation room twice and exit the areas, you are forever locked out of them. All the areas have interconnecting secret tunnels between them, though I forgot where sector 2 "Tro"'s tunnel was, which led me to accidentally going through the navigation rooms.
There were a few secrets/rooms, mostly in tro, that I did not get, because of that, it was an 89% run.
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