PHARAOH or FARAON (1966)--in Polish with English subtitles

1 year ago

Pharaoh (Faraon) is a 1966 Polish film adapted from the 1897 novel by the Polish writer Bolesław Prus. The novel and the film describe the reign of the young pharaoh, Ramesses XIII, who attempts to reform Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian priesthood, led by Herhor, opposes him. The power struggle between them is the focus of the film. Other themes include the friendship with Pentuer the priest, the love for Sara the beautiful Jewess and Kama the priestess. It is also the story of the secret pact with Assyria, the Solar eclipse and how the priests used it to subdue the crowds, and the assassination of Ramses XIII at the hands of his look-alike. A historical fresco of universal meaning, revealing the mechanisms of power and the role of religion on the life of Egypt.

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