Reviewing the Accuser Vs Proxy 3

1 year ago

This series has largely been about rediscovering a thing hidden in the past, a thing that we didn't know was there in order to go beyond.

In a conversation that I was having with another of the Telegram contact, I made the connection between believers & nonbelievers being either a raisin -- or wine. In a way that I'd never been able to show before, I showed how raisins and wine don't ever mix, haven't ever been made to mix, buut, they come from the same place: grapes. And if we are always ever treading out the sour grapes because of what the previous generation has done, we fall into the same trap as those who are strictly against bloodline repentance.

The goal today is to present a raisin-less wine that is fit for a King.
Unlocking the Mystery of the Spiritual Realm - Beverley Watkins, the one who introduced me to the prayer of cleaning the gates

Repentance: Cleansing the Generational Bloodline - Natasha goes into great detail on the level of repentance that allows the reader to annihilate the regional principalities so that the Kingdom of God can be let loose on the earth around you, fulfilling the Lord's Prayer of "thy Kingdom com, thy will be done on earth as it already is in Heaven". It is also the HIGHLY recommended companion to this group due to the word Repentance.

Last but not least important, if you have found this video to be helpful, consider donating:
Repentance101 is now a LIVE PUBLIC group on Telegram!
I can be found on Telegram as

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: GTGKE1NR3MANSSN4

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