Magnesium During Pregnancy

1 year ago

It is important during conception, pregnancy and delivery to meet the body’s increased magnesium need. It may be wise to go for the best type of magnesium and natural ways instead of taking medicine. Besides adequate dietary intake in the right quantities and quality, another good way to prevent taking too much magnesium during pregnancy and to prevent diarrhea caused by excess amounts of magnesium is topical magnesium.
Magnesium plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids and proteins. It also contributes to energy production, has spasmolytic effects and helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, magnesium also acts as a stimulant in the regulation and absorption of several vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

The daily requirement of magnesium for an adult is about 400 mg, but our diet only contains a fraction of it. Even though there are many foods high in magnesium, our soil is so depleted of magnesium that we need to supplement our bodies needs. There are also certain medical conditions and circumstances in life when the requirement increases, for example during pregnancy and breastfeeding, illnesses, inadequate dietary intake, being on a diet, a lack of or exercise or intensive sport.

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