Rhonda Thomas - Truth in Education - The Dangers Of Georgia’s HB520

1 year ago

Event on Saturday in Dunwoody Baptist Church.
Crossover has happened. HB520 is the new mental health bill. It is packed with things that all of us should be concerned about. HB1013 was the framework for the smaller bills to shore up the funding on the framework. Everything falls under behavioral health.
Every child will be labeled. They will be tracking our children.
Psycho-Pharma backs the organizations that are pushing for the mental health bill. GA school counselor lobbying group is backed by the largest law firms that is backed by pharma. Last year the bill allowed our school counselors to be professional counselors.
Counselors are collecting data from our children. The owner of the data is the ruler.
HB520 is labeled housing but it is mental health.
The intention is to expand medicaid and transition to be an economy. There will be a social worker with every new mom.
Alos in the bill is to pay for the tuition for anyone in mental health.
SB140 there are no criminal consequences to the transgender youth. There aren’t any protests against the bill.

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