Part 2 - The Kingdom Entrepreneur: The 7 Day Blueprint

1 year ago

Part Two is about development.

The seven-day sequence is God's blueprint for our lives, and it applies to everything that matters in life such as love, work, school, time, finances, and relationships. Part two discusses the importance of structure and order in building a successful life and business. He emphasizes the need for availability, responsibility, and accountability in achieving success. God created humans to work, serve, and worship Him, and to work together with Him in creating and improving things. To achieve this, we must know where we are in terms of financial, spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical aspects of life to create a structure that will support our vision. Rylee also emphasizes the importance of striving versus contending and being willing rather than willful in achieving success.

The goal of this section is to help you think about your business, research the competition, get outside opinions, and create a flexible structure that can adapt to market changes.

Key takeaways:
Availability, responsibility, and accountability are essential to increase our ability to achieve success.
The Parable of the Talents teaches how we can increase our abilities.
The structure defines what operations are needed in what tasks are involved to ensure the business runs smoothly.
To create a map of our life, we need to know where we want to go (vision) and where we currently are (vital signs check).
Establishing proper order for business operations ensures scalability and effective response to needs.
Kingdom entrepreneurs are set apart by how they conduct business and their understanding that they steward creation rather than own it.
Establishing goals with a deadline and daily disciplines, routines and action triggers within a business structure are the first steps towards creating momentum.
Unlearning bad habits and letting go of the shadows of past failures can be more effective than learning new strategies.
Tracking business metrics is essential for improving company performance and making informed decisions.


"Structure defines what operations are needed and what tasks are involved to ensure your business runs smoothly."

"I see the seven day sequence as a primary blueprint for creating or building anything financial, personal or relational."

"God made us to work for him, and he wants to work with us. He wants us to create like him and with him."

"Success is all about the process."

"As a kingdom entrepreneur, much of what sets us apart from others in the marketplace is not so much what we're offering or selling, though sometimes it is. It's how we're conducting our business, the way we structure and then order or arrange our work should be a bit different than the status quo."

"You can't manage what you don't measure."

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