Solving Real Estate Investment Challenges: The Growth Collective's "Hot Seat" Coaching

1 year ago

Real estate investing can be an exciting and lucrative venture, but it's not without its challenges. In our recent episode, Douglas J. Beck, a real estate coach and entrepreneur, shared his experience and insights on the challenges of acquisitions in real estate investing. Douglas has done over 200 wholesale deals, 50 fix-and-flips, and private lending since starting his real estate investment journey in 2015.

One of the biggest obstacles in real estate acquisitions, according to Douglas, is getting stuck in the analysis phase. He emphasized the importance of calculating and estimating repairs, calculating comps, and using field checks to get one source of truth for every deal. He also shared a story about an underground storage tank in a property they bought, which leaked and caused thousands of dollars of contamination remediation. This experience taught Douglas to always remove the tank before buying the property or negotiating a contingency with the seller.

Douglas believes that addressing risk is necessary for real estate investment. While investing in real estate involves taking on certain levels of risk, such as the risk of tenants not paying, taxes going up, and assessments being put on HOAs, he believes that taking on risk can lead to greater rewards. He shared his experience starting in real estate, which involved the least risky model of wholesale flipping. After facing challenges in acquisitions, he transitioned to the joint venture wholesale model, where he partnered with people who already had deals to sell. Douglas emphasizes that getting a contract is not enough to make money; they must also be able to sell it for a higher price.

Douglas also discussed options when it comes to real estate contracts, specifically focusing on the ability to execute an option to buy a property or transfer that option to an end buyer. He mentioned that whether an end buyer should be given an option or a full sale/assignment depends on the deal structure. He also touched on different ways to structure deals, including double closing, assignments, and joint ventures.

Collaboration over competition is something Douglas strongly believes in. He thinks that opening up to what others are doing and adding value to them is essential. He shared his experience of learning from a competitor in the real estate business and how it helped him expand his knowledge and grow his business. He also thinks that networking is key to success, but one needs to be strategic in investing time in building relationships with people who have what one needs. Douglas argues that mastermind groups are better when people focus on giving value and collaborating instead of just taking from others.

In addition to his real estate investment experience, Douglas is also a coach and entrepreneur. He emphasized the importance of legal representation in contracts and focuses on coaching his clients on the borrower process, including how to secure funding and understand how lenders think. He is expanding his business by converging his different companies into one brand, Real Direct Lending, and integrating his coaching brand, the Growth Collective. The Growth Collective coaching program offers two times-a-week group sessions where the most important one is the "hot seat" which helps the clients solve a particular issue or deal. The program's foundations include mindset, multifamily syndication, hot seat, and getting the deal closed. The accountability call ensures that clients have extra accountability to keep up with their goals. The most important aspect of the program is the one-to-one session where specific issues are addressed and handled.

In conclusion, real estate investing can be a profitable venture, but it's important to be aware of the challenges and the best strategies to overcome them. Douglas J. Beck's insights on real estate acquisitions, risk, collaboration, and coaching can be helpful for those who are interested in getting into the real estate investment industry or who are already involved and looking for ways to improve their strategies.

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