Mar 5 2023: The Parables of Jesus, Part 1

1 year ago

Parables: The Lamp and the Stand
Pastor Matt Haflett
Matthew 5:14-16

1. We are the light!
• God did not make light to be hidden, but to be seen.
• We were once darkness, but through Jesus, we have become a shining light for Him. (Ephesians 5:8)

2. Let the Light Shine!
• The light and Spirit of God dwells in us, we should not let it be hidden.
• Where you go, God’s light goes with you. Choose to shine the light down your path.

3. How We Shine. (Galatians 5:16-26)
• The Light we carry produces fruits of the Holy Spirit.
• Our light walks in opposition of the direction of the world.
• Live in a way that you stand out in comparison to the sin of the world.
• Live with peace in chaos. Show that there is beauty and realness with Jesus.
• Live in a way that shows how Jesus changed your life.
• Live in prayer and seek God’s guidance.

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