Forest of the Fallen Disappears!

1 year ago

Yesterday, 8 March 2023, there was an article posted on titled “Eerie scene emerges around Australia”. It shows a picture of a lady looking at some signs that have been erected in a park to remember those who were injured or fallen. It’s unclear in the photo what they were injured from. This link can still be found on Google at the time of making this video. However, when I click on the link, I just get a “page not found” error. At the top it reads, “Eerie Forest Of The Fallen Exhibitions Pop Up In Australia”. This news was definitely available yesterday, I saw it for myself, but today it is not. I can’t remember the exact details of the article, my memory seems to have failed me, but it was something about something where people died from something, and now the news don’t seem to want to talk about it. Strange!



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