Indian Ayurveda Doctor Vikram Chauhan spreading Ayurveda in Europe - Slovakia and Czech Republic

1 year ago

✔-Apart from running his Ayurvedic company, Dr. Chauhan has also been actively involved in teaching and research in Ayurveda. He has published numerous research papers and articles on Ayurvedic medicine in various national and international journals. He has also authored several books on Ayurveda, including "Ayurveda - God's Manual for Healing," which has been widely acclaimed and translated in many European languages. Dr. Chauhan has been invited to speak at various national and international conferences and seminars on Ayurveda, where he has shared his knowledge and expertise with other healthcare professionals. He has also conducted several workshops and training programs on Ayurvedic medicine for doctors, students, and the general public. Dr. Chauhan's #contribution to the field of Ayurveda has been widely recognized. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his work in promoting Ayurveda worldwide. Some of these include the National Dhanwantari Award, the Best Ayurvedic Doctor Award, the Ayurveda Ratna and Gaurav Award, and the International Excellence Award for Ayurveda. '

#spreadayurveda #ayurvedaineurope #Slovakia#Czechrepublic #healthiswealth #healthishappiness #ayurvedicresearch #Godmanualforhealing #holistichealing #Europeanlanguage #internationalconferences #seminars #Nationaldhanwantariaward #Ayurvedicdoctor #Bestayurvedicdoctor #knowledgeofayurveda #consultantphysician #unitedstates #singapore #healthandwellness #Ayurvedicmedicines #Dayanandayurvediccollege #Jalandhar #Latvia #Slovenia #Holland #Macedonia #Estonia #Lithuania. #Ayurvedaratnagauravaward

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