Dr Jacob Nordengard. WEF Conspiracy FACT

1 year ago

How are Kissinger, Rockefellers, Samuel Huntington, Council of Foreign Relations, Global Health and Climate Change from the 50's, UN A creation of the Rockefellers, Ford & Rockefeller Foundation & the CIA, Klaus Schwab, (Kissinger mentored Klaus Schwab for 50 years), European Management Forum, Kenneth Galbraith, Herman Kahn, Otto von Habsburg, Barbara Ward, Maurice Strong (Kyoto Accord), Club of Rome, Aurelio Peccei, Davos Manifesto, Prince Bernard (founder of Bilderberger), Oil Shortage and price increase 1973, Trilateral Commission, Richard Gardner, Anthony Fauci, Warren Wager, WEF 1987, Joël de Rosnay, Cybernetic organism 1987, Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway), Sustainable Development, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Agenda 21 (Maurice Strong), Queen Beatrix (Shell Corp), Ronald Lubbers, Mikhail Gorbachev, Steven Rockefeller (Exon), UNEP, Earth Charter +15, Great Transition Initiative, Build Back Better 2002, Unprecedented Pandemic, Leaders for Transformation (Klaus Schwab), Putin, Justin Trudeau + 1/2 of his cabinet, Young Global Leaders of WEF, Global Leaders of Tomorrow 1993, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, José Manuel Barroso, 4000 people in Young Global Leaders program, (Download list from Malone Institutes), 2020 Initiative (2005) -renamed 2030 Initiative, Global Risks Report 2006, Rand Tech Report Global Technological Revolution 2006, RFID to track product and people by 2020, Global Brain Trust -World is in need of fundamental reboot -Klaus Schwab, Shaping the post crisis world, Digital Marshall Plan, G20 discuss global problems 2009, WEF Global Bank OECD, Scenarios for the Future -Rockefeller - 2010, Global Shapers Community 2011, Public Private partnership 2015, Agenda 21 UN 2015, Fourth Industrial Revolution 2016, Reshape Humans and the Planet 2018, WEF Board of Trustees 2019, David Rubinstein Carlyle Group, Larry Fink BlackRock, WEF signs partnership with UN 2019, Disruptive Technologies of the 4th Revolution, G20 Society 5.0 2019, Global Governance (WEF + UN), Greta Thunberg, Event 201 2019, WHO declares Global Health Emergency, (like Rockefellers Lockstep from 2010), 3030 WEF claims need of Great Reset, António Guterres, Future of Vaccines 2019, Commons Project -Rockefeller Foundation and WEF 2019, G20 Agenda 2022, War in Ukraine, Energy Crisis, Food Crisis, Hack attacks, Cyber Attacks, "In order to shape the future you have to control the narrative -Klaus Schwab, Cyber Polygon 2020, Food System Transition including insects, Global smart electrical grid, Internet of Everything -IoE fridge coffee maker phone and auto all connected (Read Rand Report 2006), Digital Identities, Carbon credits become digital money, Digital Currency, Digital God, HG Wells World Brain, Common Global Systems -Multilateral Systems, Clever Together -Rockefeller Report, High level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism Sweden, New Atlantis -Francis Bacon.
WEF + UN creating a technocratic reshaping of humanity.

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