4AR2 Automatic Businessman 2 💎 #automaticbusinessman #shorts #tauchain #TauNet

2 years ago

Over Tau, it is possible to create applications that will have their own logic, their own world separated from each other and the application we intend to create is Agoras.

Agoras, we can call it an intelligent economy. Intelligence stems from the ability to reason over information. So you can have not only algorithmic trader as very normal nowadays, that simply crunch numbers, calculate probabilities of market trends, or finds some arbitrages. You can have a whole lot of automatic businessmen. Once Tau is a shared knowledge base of machine-readable knowledge, not only readable but the machine also is able to understand the consequences of the knowledge, and the meaning of the knowledge, you could then have your intelligent agent, your automatic businessman to take into account state law for example, or arbitrary considerations you let it. By that you can offer and listen automatically to business opportunities as complex as they will be as long a computer can understand and can have enough resources to understand them.

#AgorasIntelligentEconomy #TauKnowledgeBase #AutomatedBusinessmen #RevolutionizingCommerce #MachineReadableKnowledge #IntelligentAgents #StateLaws #BusinessOpportunities #ReasoningMachines #ComplexInformation #GameChanger

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