Bronson tribute

2 years ago

A related poem to track ⬇️ (excerpts)
“Lou the Cipher”
For this evenings entertainment , not unlike the many dark furious nights after the remnants of the Suffering Party took hold the reins of power,
The Boys’ and any worthy rivals are out to quench their insatiable thirst
for insipid rage.

The Boys’ mentor, aptly named -
“LewdLou the Cipher”-
had beaten it in
to them right from ‘Election Day’

onward , saying ...

“ Down here boys
in the mud, the blood
and the beer
we’ll drudge and toil
for surely we’re of little no worth
to the ones that put us here
and to the One
that cast us down
the same that keeps us
here upon
this sullen sabbath day

So I, LewdLou the Cipher say,
Let’s drag ‘em down
to perditions party
until our chains are freed,
we’ll show ‘em all
our best dance moves
Cuz when we dance,
Lou leads.”

His slick sly words
did stick with them,
through sticky wickets and wins

but Lou The Cipher
got shuffled-off
in shady shackles,
this fallen one
to Stoney Lonesomes Den.

Now within this woken void ,
seems struggles for power

I invite you all to take your seats
Our story now begins...

Act One...

#bronson #tomhardy #britainsmostviolentinmate
#englandsmostviolentprisoner #poetryisnotdead #hearofpoets #heartofpoets #jeffbuckley #torontowriter #torontomusicscene #beastmode #batsignal
#songoftheday #undiscoveredmusic #soundtrackmusic”

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