Galatians 05 Paul's Argument for Freedom (4:1-20)

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SBC Family,

Tonight we will look at Galatians 4. This is where Paul argues for the Gospel of Freedom. This idea of Freedom will take us into Galatians 5 where Paul teaches us more about what it looks like to live free. He has one more technical, legal argument, then he starts to appeal to them emotionally. Together he makes a powerful plea to the Galatians to be restored to freedom. It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Therefore we should stand firm in freedom. This means not putting ourselves back under the Law, not even under the Ten Commandments. To do so is to set ourselves up for failure. The Law cannot make us godly, though the Law itself is godly. The problem is our flesh, and Paul will get to that, but it is at enmity with the Spirit, and the two are opposed to one another so you can't do what you want to do! It will be imperative to first understand that we are FREE. Once we understand that we can start to think about what that freedom is and how we can enjoy it. This is getting to where the rubber meets the road in how to live the Christian way of life.

Our group of dispensationalists have a unique model of sanctification (see the Five Views of Sanctification). We follow the model that is discussed in that book by John Walvoord. The views are really different, which is why you see Christians all over the board in terms of how to live the Christian life.

It occurs automatically if we are really saved (Reformed)
It occurs as we let go and let God (Keswick)
It occurs through a second work of the Spirit (Pentecostal)
It occurs through holiness even though we make mistakes (not sins) (Wesleyan)

Our view is different than all of these.

It occurs as we consciously walk by the Spirit (Dispensational)

See the attached summary/notes.

Grace to you,


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