Why the Earth is Flat & Why I Don't Talk about it Anymore! with Michael Tellinger

1 year ago

Michael Tellinger briefly explains why the Earth is not a ball, before explaining why he has decided to stop talking about it.
After many months of research I still cannot find any scientifically accepted proof of a physical nature, that the Earth is moving through space – and that it actually is a ball. Everything I held dear and as an unshakable truth has been shaken to its core and stripped of all credibility. It is more clear than ever before that everything we have been told is a lie, and the most important teachings have been strategically omitted by our education system – whose objective is to create a future labour force to keep the money monster alive – and not to teach us to think and give us real skills.

In Lies We Trust
When truth becomes conspiracy, reality becomes an illusion.

The world as we know it, is an illusion based on lies and deceit.
If the world seems insane, it’s because it is run by insane people.

I have put this 150 page document “EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN TOLD IS A LIE” together. I cover many of the huge lies we have been told. It is a collection of some of my 15 yrs of research. THIS IS A BOOK OF TRUTHS

Please share this document.


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