The Law of Prosperity

1 year ago

Contrary to popular opinion, God wants you to prosper. If this is true, and it is, then God will ensure that you will prosper if you learn the laws of prosperity and cooperate with them and with God in all things. Why is it God's will that you lack the things you need in life if you are His child, and then give them to those who rebel against Him? It makes no sense, and until Christians wake up and believe the whole Bible and ask their leaders to teach the whole truth or give up, we will never see prosperity. prosperity, happiness and success among all Christians as they should be. God has created in the world countless things that man needs, and there is enough for everyone.He has established certain laws of life and prosperity, and all He asks of us is that we obey those laws. These laws are clearly revealed in the Bible, and they are made for everyone to obey. Their followers will surely reap the benefits promised to everyone. As we saw in lesson 10, God's providence covers all of His creation, and He has made great promises about all of man's needs. One cannot read all of the many promises listed in Lesson 10, Section III, without believing that it is God's highest will to bless His children with prosperity and all that they need and want. in life here and now.Make sure you are in harmony with God's will as you desire to prosper, be healthy, and overcome sin and failure in life.

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