DIED SUDDENLY/UNEXPECTEDLY - 98 Deaths in 7 Days...Too Young? 1/1/23-1/7/23

1 year ago

This is my personal research, searching day by day for the recently added "news" articles of mostly younger people dying suddenly. I've searched through hundreds of Google pages for these articles, the dates in the articles may not reflect the exact date of death I'm just showing dates they were reported. To save time I shortened each screen shot shown, Please pause the video at any time to read brief title or description. It only took about 3 hours to pull all of this together, may they all Rest In Peace.

1/1/23- 4 Deaths Reported
1/2/23- 11 Deaths Reported
1/3/23- 15 Deaths Reported
1/4/23- 11 Deaths Reported
1/5/23- 17 Deaths Reported
1/6/23- 29 Deaths Reported
1/7/23- 11 Deaths Reported

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