Bronzebeard Clan: Warcraft 3 Custom Faction/Altered Melee Showcase

1 year ago

The Bronzebeard Clan is a Dwarven clan from the Warcraft universe that along with the Dark Iron and Wildhammer clans, participated in the War of the Three Hammers. The units of this faction include the Shieldbearer (can protect a unit which transfers some of the damage the protected unit would receive and gives to the Shieldbearer), Gunner (has a scope on his rifle in his 3D model), The Field Engineer (can deploy a turret and send out a Surveillance Drone that despite having a 3D model that depicts it with 2 gatling style guns, is unable to actually attack), Runemaster, and the Mine Launcher (Their siege unit throws explosive mines, something normally buried underground), Imbued Tank (a specialized tank that is for taking on magical and summoned units), among other trainable units. Heroes are: Prospector (can use specialized rounds that deal area damage, extra damage to a single unit, or specialized ammo that makes Magical units Mana combust), Jarl of Virtue (has abilities that can heal your forces and even can restore mana), Einherjar (has special abilities that disrupt enemy units and can have increased Hit Point regeneration), and Thane (can summon a giant bear).

The mod/map can be found on HiveWorkshop. The author of this mod/map is "wa666r"

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This video showcases an Altered Melee faction called the Bronzebeard Clan, the Altered Melee map also includes the Dark Iron and Wildhammer Clans, which are Dwarf clans from the Warcraft universe, they also were embroiled in a conflict called the War of the Three Hammers.

1:13: The Ulfsark's unit dialogue is from the Orc Raider, a Warcraft 3 wolf mounted orc unit.

2:15: The Shieldbearer's 3D model has the unit wield 2 shields at once and a hammer.

4:17: Theres these 2 random Waterfalls on the map.

4:25: This is the other waterfall.

5:46: The Gunner unit has a visible scope on his rifle.

5:58: Dwarf Clan descriptions.

6:27: The Altered Melee map credits.

6:43: Mclovin is a name on a fake ID from a movie called Superbad.

7:56: You can give your heroes a stiff drink.

9:40: Let's get a few more depot, the food limit is at 100 though but were not there yet.

10:02: Yes they have a unit that throws explosive mines.

10:29: despite having a 3D model with 2 Gatling style guns it can't seem to attack.

12:40: The Depots can be upgraded into base defences.

13:45: Random scream with blood effect.

14:35: Our enemy is distracted, good.

14:50: I forgot to procure our third hero.

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