Junior Harassing Me Again 3 8 2023

1 year ago

CalmDownHun - 08 Mar 06:06
I spoke with a lawyer. Apparently, inferences are valid legal forms of evidence.
Please do not mention my child again when you come back from your cute little exile that VF made you enforce.
Do that, and we got peace.

GetInWhereYouFi - 08 Mar 12:46

GetInWhereYouFi - 08 Mar 12:52
the 7th chat u created to harass me here. Countless reports to Devs. Plenty of evidence of who seeking whose attention. Maybe u should leave me alone if u are concerned about looking innocent. I never mentioned ur kid(s). See ya in court junior.
Keep bringing the fake doctor into this. I know she is in Ohio. Do u want me to push this? Its like u are so weak u need others to fight ur battle. What a coward. No wonder u hide behind a woman. #Beta
How about go away and we got peace. No one wants u here. Look at GC. Look how i get mentioned over an over. Folks want me here. Where is a single mention of RC? No where to be found. You dont have any friends here bud.

GetInWhereYouFi - 08 Mar 13:04
Rubber.Chicken - 02 Nov 12:03 Oh wait, let me rephrase that. Kristoff, your children suck, and they are retarded. One's ugly, the other dresses funny.

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