Andrew Tate's Business Card - TateSpeech | Power of Personal Branding

1 year ago


Andrew Tate is a 4x kickboxing world champion, Billionaire (Millionaire at time of recording this), and self-proclaimed nice guy who is known for his unconventional and often humorous approach to life and business. In one of his short video series, TateSpeech, he talks about his business card and the reactions he gets from people when he hands it out.

According to Tate, people often ask him if his business card is a joke. But he insists that it is not a joke, and that he hands it out for real multi-million dollar business deals. The card reads "Take Enterprises Unlimited," which according to Tate, is a reflection of his business philosophy that there are no limits to what he can do. Unlike a limited company, he believes that there is nothing he can't do.

But what sets his business card apart is what's written on the back. There's a whole list of activities he can complete for a fee, which is why people often get the idea that he's joking. The card reads, "The difficult done immediately, the impossible takes a little longer, miracles by appointment, wars fought." Tate explains that he's not joking, and that if someone wants to go to war, they can hire him and he'll get it done. He also offers services such as assassinations plotted, revolutions started, uprisings quelled, and even dragon slaying.

Tate insists that he can do all of these things, and the basis of his business philosophy is that if someone is prepared to pay him, he is prepared to get it done. Even if he doesn't know how to do it, that's not the problem. The problem is how much the client is willing to pay. He gives an example of someone coming to him and asking him to build an oil rig in the most dangerous rough seas where oil rigs can't be built. He says that he'll make up his price and send them an invoice for $6.6 billion dollars. And if they pay his invoice, he'll find a way to get it done, even if he has to hire someone else or outsource it.

Tate emphasizes that he dictates his prices, and if someone pays the invoice, regardless of what needs doing, he's the man. He's currently building an army in his war room, which is a dedicated group of like-minded individuals who are out here looking to get paid, looking to raise funds, and looking to change their entire world view. He says that it's important to only sit and talk about money, and in the war room, all they do is sit and talk about money, and a few other things, mainly money.

FAIR USE AGREEMENT DISCLAIMER: It's important to note that this upload is fair use because Andrew Tate has given permission to re-upload old clips

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