20230308-Canadian Drivers are Such F@#$%^& Idiots

1 year ago

Back in January (20230126) I followed up my summertime rant about Canadian Drivers' idiocy by recording a wintertime rant about Canadian Drivers' idiocy.

Given last weekends 10 inches of global warming, I thought I'd post my thoughts on the driving abilities of the average idiot on the Southern Ontario roads.

It boils down to one of the basic problems being that a significant number of Canadian driver, after a few weeks of nice weather, forget how to drive in bad conditions.

When its cold, snowy, slippery, you know Canada in the winter, the driving conditions are very different from summertime. Drive accordingly.

And if you're visiting the southern Ontario swamp, bear in mind that a huge number of the vehicles around you are being driven by someone dumber than a houseplant.

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