MR. NON-PC - Nearly The Entire Medical System Is A Joke!

1 year ago

If you're an Anti-Vaxxer and proud Pureblood like myself, then I really don't need to explain to you why the nearly entire medical system is a complete joke!

It was already on life support leading up to the past few years, but mannnnnn...once they pulled their CovidCult scam on the entire world they really destroyed any shred of credibility they ever had!

They employ fat/unhealthy and obese nurses, don't pay any property taxes whatsoever, declare themselves "non-profit" (when they make more money than anyone) and always want to foist pharmacuticals instead of natural remedies.

And lets not forget how they have turned a complete blind eye to obesity (and 95% of health problems come from obesity) which proves that they really don't give a damn about peoples REAL HEALTH!

They just wanna "prescribe" and "treat" instead of HEAL their patients, they never want people to be truly healthy.

The best thing you can do is realize that the modern medical system is A JOKE!

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