Boys SPIRIT Solves his CASE (True Story)

1 year ago

Excerpt from the TV series
Beyond Belief FACT or Fiction:
Season 4 Episode 7A

Confirmed FACT✅

Detective Phil Duncan is investigating the hit-n-run d3ath of 9-year-old Danny Russell, but has no leads to offer Danny's parents Matt and Denise Russell, who are desperate for information. Detective Phil has collected a small amount of blue paint as evidence from Danny's bike.

Matt and Denise want to erect a memorial at the site of Danny's d3ath to warn drivers to slow down, but civil servant Andrew Burke is reluctant to grant them the necessary permit, due to costs and bureaucratic intricacies, leaving them feeling frustrated and upset.

The next day, a permit for the memorial mysteriously appears on the Russells' doorstep. Burke assumes they went to the mayor, which they did not, and are confused about how it came about. They later discover the mayor does not recall signing it.

During the memorial, a sudden gust of wind blows the wreath onto a passing car, causing it to crash. Detective Phil on a hunch, takes a sample of blue paint found on the car and runs it through the lab. The results match the paint found on Danny's bike, finally solving the case.

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