How I overcame jealousy of another man. (Personal Story)

4 years ago

I was able to stop being jealous of another man when I realized that I could transform my jealousy into fuel to learn from him.

Sounds simple I know, but the truth is we're always at choice with how we respond to jealousy. We can choose to go down the path of jealousy, or we can choose to learn from our jealousy. Jealousy is there to tell us that we're needing something. Ultimately, jealousy is about ourselves.

But it's so tempting to blame someone else, or make someone else bad in our mind... right? It's much easier to do that than to accept the fact that you're jealous.

When I accepted that I was jealous, I was finally able to stop being jealous of this guy, and enjoy my own embodiment as a human.

Present moment embodiment is a huge cure for jealousy. No joke.

It's next to impossible to be jealous if you're fully embodied in the present moment.



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