No Ejaculation for Seven Days - TRY THIS!

5 years ago

If you've never gone seven days without ejaculating, today is a good day to start. Here's the 7-day challenge link:

Most men ejaculate 3-4 times per week, and the effects of a single ejaculation last for many days. Do the math.

Try this: commit to no ejaculation for seven days, and see what happens. Try it as an experiment. I'll help you do it in a healthy way that integrates Tantric and Taoist techniques with western practicality:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Cheers brother!


Most men ejaculate 3-4 times per week on average, and the impact of a single ejaculation on your physiology, neurochemistry and body, lasts for many days. So...

Do the math.

If you've never gone seven days without ejaculating, I highly, highly recommend that you try it.

If you ejaculate 3-4 times per week, you're probably not living up to your full potential as a man. Because you're regularly telling your system over and over and over again that you've completed your duty as a procreative animal. You've done the job. You've created new life. You can rest.

You don't have to go out into the world and succeed, and secure a new mate... Which if you're in a relationship, securing a new mate "energy" could be transmuted into building a better business, or rocking out your creative projects, or doing anything that you're passionate about.

If you're ejaculating over and over and over again, you're telling your system that you're complete and done... and you're probably killing the polarity in your relationship as well.

So, if you've never gone for seven days without ejaculating, I highly, highly recommend that you do so. And if you want to try this, I want to support you because I believe in the power of our sexual energy as men. This down here (our sexuality) impacts our entire life, and our choices with this impacts everything that we do.

So if you want to try going for seven days on a semen retention journey, I put a link below this video, it's totally free. Click it, sign up and I'll send you an email with details on a semen retention practice, where it comes from and how to do it well for seven days so you can try it... And just see...

Notice what your life feels like after seven days without ejaculating. I gaurantee that if you're ejaculating regularly, you're going to feel different. You're going to feel something.

And, spoiler alert: later in in about a month I'm going to have a 21-day semen retention challenge where we're going to go really in depth with this stuff, but that's not for everybody. Maybe all you want to do is try for 7 days.

My hope is that at the end of these seven days, with the tools I'll give you in the link below, that you will feel MORE POWERFUL. You will go from more of a place of reactivity to proactivity and making sh*t happen, because semen retention affects everything that we do.


That's it!

Click the link beneath this video if you want to get the 7 day semen retention challenge!

Thank you brother. See you next time!

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