Drinking Alcohol to Last Longer in Bed?

2 years ago

Get my free Ejaculation Control Guide here: https://learn.taylorjohnson.life/Free-Ejaculation-Control-Training


You do NOT need alcohol to succeed! 👈🏻

I understand the temptation… having a few drinks can be an easy way to reduce tension and help you last a bit longer… But the negative effects far outweigh the positive (IF you’re drinking specificallyto last longer).


Learn to work with your ejaculatory response by using internal techniques that you ALWAYS have available to you.

Yes it will take more effort up front, but you will be greatly rewarded over time.


🔸 1 - you do not want to numb sexual sensation

🔸 2 - you want to INCREASE your capacity to feel more sexual pleasure without ejaculating (this is the path to non-ejaculatory orgasms)

🔸 3 - you don’t want to rely on anything outside of yourself to last longer. (Alcohol, pills, numbing wipes, etc). You can become psychologically dependent on those things VERY quickly… and then what happens when it’s time for sex but you forgot your numbing wipes?? (I’ll tell you: performance anxiety and ED).


Side note: the alcohol in this video has been sitting in my fridge for many months now. My desire to drink has gradually declined over the years to almost zero now. Perhaps I’m getting more sensitive to (or aware of) the lingering impact of alcohol on my system. Even from just one drink.

I’m not anti-alcohol. Theoretically I love a good beer and glass of wine… I just notice that 99 out of 100 times these days I’ll happily choose tea or water first.

Anyone feel similarly?


#menshealth #selfmastery #sexualhealthformen

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