Numbing Wipes for Premature Ejaculation? - (Or Spray or Gel?)

4 years ago

Before you get dependent on numbing wipes or delay spray for premature ejaculation, visit my website for a free ejaculation control guide: - Your guide is at the bottom of my home page. Don't rely on anything outside of yourself for the long term.

If you haven't had sex long enough (or free enough from the anxiety about ejaculating too quickly) to reach the experience of "making love," then go for it...

Try using delay spray or numbing wipes just so you know what that experience can be like. Making love without ejaculation anxiety is amazing.


DO NOT get dependent on using delay spray or numbing wipes. This is a very real danger if you use these things regularly.


Because what happens if you run out of wipes and you want to have sex? What happens if you're somewhere else and you didn't bring your numbing wipes with you..? Then what? Do you avoid sex? Do you go back into ejaculation anxiety?

So what do I recommend?

I recommend learning to control your ejaculation response. You can cure premature ejaculation on your own - I'm telling you this from direct personal experience. Yes it will take work, but the investment of your time and energy is worth it. Make sure to check out the ejaculation control guide on my website - it's free and it will take you far.


If you want to truly master your ejaculation control and learning how to have non-ejaculatory orgasms, check out my 5-week self-study intensive: ORGASMIC MASTERY COURSE:

If you want to try the practice of semen retention... try the free challenge below...

FREE 7-Day Semen Retention Challenge Course:

Find me on Instagram here:

Also, the youtube channel I mentioned at the end of the video is a channel called Entrepreneurs and Cars, byy a guy named Richard Cooper. I have gotten a lot of useful motivation from this channel - specifically about putting my life and business first. There are also a number of perspectives he shares that I don't agree with, so this is not a blanket recommendation... but as with anything - never trust everything someone says blindly - even myself. Do your own research. :) Here's his channel:

Cheers brother!


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