The ONE Prayer That Changes Everything for Me...

1 year ago

One of the most important things we can do in life is to help people, and this simple prayer is one of the best ways I've found to be of service to the world. I say it just before any time I lead a workshop, any time I give a presentation, any time I do a coaching session, any time I film a video for youtube, etc...

"May I be of service..."
"Help me be of service..."

It's a non-religious prayer that only requires you to focus on your intention to help people. When I recite this prayer, I make sure to feel it deep in my body, and I practice spreading my awareness out to all of life. Asking for support, and asking to be a conduit for any wisdom that wants to pass through me.

Yes it's true that I say this prayer TO what I call spirit/life, but you could just as easily say this prayer to your subconscious, to your mind, to nature, to your body, and to anything tangible.

Because ultimately, this prayer is a practice of cultivating compassion, presence, and orienting my awareness 100% towards being of service to whomever I'm going to be interacting with. (Instead of thinking about what I want for dinner, or anything else like that)...


Why did I share this video with you?

❤️‍🔥 - Because I want to be of service to humanity, and if this video helps just 1 person create positive change in the world, it'll be worth it.

❤️‍🔥 - And because I wanted to share more of my internal world with you. I talk about sex a lot on this channel, and what's also true is that behind the scenes I am a deeply spiritual (but non-religious) person. My spiritual practice is simple: live as fully as possible, while helping as many people as possible. No dogma required. Sexual health is my personal area of interest, and so this is where I put my focus on helping people.


When I think about most of the biggest saints and religious figures of the world, they ALL focused on service to others (and not some kind of religious hierarchy, dogma or framework of complicated judgements).

I'm reminded of WHY Marshall Rosenberg created NVC (Non-Violent Communication). He was a deeply spiritual man who studied and tried practicing lots of religious, but he found that no church actually taught him the tools that it took to BE more compassionate to others. So he created an entire system of communication to help people experience more love, connection and meaning in the world. How amazing is that?

Again... no dogma required.


Thanks for reading this.

Does anyone actually read the description of youtube videos? If you read this far, please let me know somehow in a comment on the video. I'd be super curious to know.

▪️ Have you ever made a prayer like this?
▪️ What do you think about praying in general?
▪️ Do you have resistance to the word prayer?

Personally, I still do have some resistance to the word prayer... it comes from my upbringing in the Christian church, where I judged (yes I own my judgement) that very few people actually lived in the ways they professed, and everyone prayed constantly for their own personal gain. There was a big disconnect for me...

And it's part of the reason I like certain Tantric spirituality practices.

Because they're about the HERE AND NOW.

NOT about what happens later...

Practices about helping you/me/us live the most meaningful, connective, impactful and joyous lives possible. THAT to me is spiritual practice - free of dogma.

So if we're on the same page, cheers!

Nice to know you.

And if we're not, that's fine. And at least now you know a bit more about where I stand.

I'm not sure if I'll share more videos about this in the future or not. For whatever reason my intuition told me to film this and put it out to the world. May it be of service! :)

Cheers from a beautiful sunny day in Asheville, NC, USA!



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