OMG full album DEATH:The bloated mink info-mercial (2011 audio) - Lome Marsupial

1 year ago

all music for Death: The Infomercial (2011) created by Lome Marsupial LTG Music all rights reserved
Film Score/Soundtrack/Instrumental music project. Audio sort of muddied via multiple video transfers. mp3s online though. for more creativity
support me on patreon if you want
alias Lome Marsupial
music on streaming places.

01 Falling Off The Planet (:34)
02 Talisman (4:14)
03 Deaf Mind Translator (2:44)
04 Machine Gun Sneezing (3:54)
05 Portal Confusion (4:04)
06 VS Smog Monster (2:22)
07 Location (1:53)
08 The REAL Track 08 (5:37)
09 This Isnt The End (Of The World) (2:31)
10 Tapping Into The Mind Of The Sour Grapes (1:18)
11 Smiling Mantra (2:45)
12 March Of The Time Bandits PT 1 (1:02)
13 March Of The Time Bandits PT 2 (4:07)
14 Cthulhu Thumbs A Ride 8.5 (5:06)
15 Group Isolation (2:29)
16 There Is No Such Thing As Time (:47)
17 Holy Sneeze Guard (:31)
18 Don't Kill Imagination (6:16)
19 No Years (1:07)
20 Learning From Endeavor (3:48)
21 Tramble Scransmission (2:17)
22 World Between The Shadow (3:23)

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