Nicaraguan and Cuban Ambassadors denounce US and NATO imperialism in the Americas

1 year ago

The ambassadors of Nicaragua and Cuba to Great Britain speak on March 4th at the event organised by the CPGB-ML and the World Anti-Imperialist Platform.

They pay tribute to the ongoing Bolivarian Revolution, the PSUV, and Cde Chavez on the 10th anniversary of his sad and premature death.

They denounce the Monroe doctrine of US imperialism, the blade and economic interference in their countries, as well as the constant military and diplomatic intervention to preserve the Western Hemisphere - the entire north and South American continents - as the colonial back year of US imperialism.

Like it or not, the peoples of the Americas will assert their independence. A multi Polarr world is being born. In alliance with the masses of many countries, not least Russia and China, the Cuban, Nicaraguan, Venezuelan and other Latin American peoples are breaking the grip of US imperialism.

Hasta La Victoria!
Viva Che!
Viva Chavez!
Viva Fidel!
Viva Sandino!
Viva Ortega!

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