The first of the 6 biggest traitors of the USA, beginning with Bill Clinton. AZ

1 year ago

Hey Ray, you always talk about the 6 biggest traitors in American history, out of the 6, who was the first? Here it is, the year was 1998 and Slick Willy did as much as he could to assist the CCP (for BIG MONEY OF COURSE) to get China into the WTO and helped present the Communist Chinese as "strategic partners". Here is just a short snippet from 1998.


Ladies and gentlemen, just now I've held official talks with President Clinton. The two sides have held an extensive and in-depth exchange of views on China-U.S. relations and major international and regional issues. The talks were positive, constructive and productive.

This marks a new stage of growth for China-U.S. relations.
3/7/23 AZ

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